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NJ Awana Fall Curriculums2024

가을학기 스케줄: 사역기간: 12주 (9월 14일 - 12월 7일), 매주 토요일, 오후 2시-4시 (Staf: 1:30pm-4:30pm) 장소: 미정 클럽: Cubbies (3세-5세), Sparks (1520), T&T (3re-Stn), Trek (6th-gth) 1 E: Esther Yoo, Eun Jin Lee, and Suchon Lee...

Syracuse, NY Refugee Ministry

The Zoom meeting to discuss the Santiago Mission Center will take place on December 27, 2024, at 18:10 (New York time) with expected participants including Pastor Jeon Young-kyu, Pastor Shin Dae-wee...